Thursday, August 31, 2006

Not quite home

Indeed it is not. However it will have to do.

But first things first.

It's been quite a while since any type of blog post. And if you cant notice by this then i regret to inform you that The Blog has been put down. With luck itll still be left up(god help some one if it gets deleted) so feel free to go back there and relive all 'dem fun old times.

Tomorrow is a day to get shit done i declare. I have my own little to do list in my head which im sure ill froget half of it. But one of those things is to tinker with this machine and get my other hard drive in. Two reasons, first is i have tons of old pictures id like to look at again and videos that need posting. Second is cause i have under 10 gigs of space left on this one. Oh man bit torrent is an addiction. 22 gig ruroni kenshin files. On top of everything else. And its not enough. Oh its never enough. ..

You know, i wont be happy until i download the internet. But if that happens i fear ill have nothing to do with my pc anymore.

And horray for being a depressed mess!

I got a sign in my travels today. It's a no parking sign however. Nothing special but i was taking a piss on the pole of it and thought, why not?

Yesterday i hung out with pat zanghi and john. We were supposed to go to a hookah bar, but when do Pat and I ever get anything done when we are together.

And holy shit i just got a strange de ja vu. Like really bad too.

Anyway we ende up chilling here doing the usual and hanging out. We were watching some Iron Chef vs Iron Chef action cause i download epic finale. Just because i fucking can. Oh yes.

When will smoke tricks cease to be entertaining. Never i hope.

Today i hung out with shaun and asha for a bit. Then after some shit with asha's car dropped her off at home and went back to shauns. Where i enjoyed the rest of my day with her.

And burning my leg just a second ago reminded me of a funny moment from yesterday. I was demonstrating to zanghi the best way to prevent ash from flying in your face in the back. During my attempts i knocked off the cherry of my cigarette on pats back. It went something like "OH shit your back is on fire." He kept his back to the seat the rest of the time. Figures something like that would happen.

Thank god i have a habbit of copying and saving all the i type. I lose my post a lot more often then one would think.

Anyway i am to be gone. Expect tomorrow to be the dedicated video day(meaning videos on thursday).

Later Days