Sunday, December 31, 2006

It kinda grabs you by the poopin' donut

Sunday, December 24, 2006

The gates of life have closed on you

Look at that face. Better yet look at that joint.

All my friends are back from college so life is good.


Well i quit my job after getting fired for the second time. Well, this previous thursday i called in to get my hours for friday cause i forgot to write them down. Whilst talking to the dumbass at customer service about it i'm told i was suppose to work wednsday and thursday. The the copy of the schedule James Brown gave me said i dont have work thursday. I also told that tar baby i wasnt going to be in work on thursday, but that message never made it to the stupid pyramid builder who runs the place. I was also told not to come in on friday. Hah, i went in on friday to bitch about that mess of bullshit. I was arguing about it and it came to the conclusion to just come in and work. So i called in yesterday at like 5 and told my manager i quit. Fuck that shit.

I raped life at Junglebeat. Like anally raped. I was playing my favorite stage for fun and i just dominated it.

You know what happened after that? A platinum crest fell from the sky!!

Speaking of Junglebeat this was Tess' preperation for the round.

And this is her endeavor.

Funnier then a barrel of monkeys.

What else. Ive become addicted to mechassault. The game is so lacking in so many areas, but some fucking way they made it fun and addicting. Yesterday hoke and i were playing a grinder match. I got 38kills. Thirty-eight. When einsten slept over a couple nights ago we were playing, however he only had on contact in and it was messing him up. SO what did he do? He made an eyepatch.

Also during his sleep over i took control of the kitchen with Dave's help and made some mad ass buffalo wings.

Fried twice for your hearts inconvience. Oh they were so good.

And the final bit of fun from the sleep over comes in the form of this video. Tell me if you can pick out the one subtlty that makes the video even better.

By the way christmas sucks. As does christmas eve. Also fuck people with a white lighter superstition. White is obviously the superior race, why cant you just accept it as a superior lighter color.

ANd i tire of this so

Later Days

Thursday, December 14, 2006


It lives. The plague no longer, uh... plagues me.

Well first and foremost i would like to say donkey konga rules life. Both jungle beat and donkey konga 2. And to show how awesome it is tak a look.


What else what else. Mono sucked. I spent a lot of time in bed. However i got put on steriods early into it and that cleared it up like no other. However im starting to feel the lack of energy thing with it. It makes me tired and blah and grumpy for no reason. And i love my cupcake shaunee.

And id like to post something to make you all laugh and hopefull brighten your day. Enjoy.

Asain kid falls down. Hahaha. How can that not be funny?

I got some pics of my dad too. This one is him as a pirate.

And this one is suiting.

As of late i got pulled over. And speaking of which I'm going to pay the ticket online after this. Anyway the guy ran my plates at a stop light and my registration was bad. Its a 54 dollar ticket and he was pretty cool about it all and not a dick. Gay though cause that cuts out on christmas shopping money. But it will work out.

Also i got a flat tire randomly. It was just dead and flat. And you know that tire that had the bulge in the side. People were always a bit worried about it. Well that one is fine. It was the other fucking tire. I have a donut on it now and tomorrow i get new tires and shit.

And i got work tomorrow. Boy oh Boy. But i like the time frame of it. Noon to 8. Plus im in customer serivce now. Funny story by the way it involves me getting fired.

I had a week off just before. So i enjoy my week off and dont enjoy it with a bit of mono. I go in thursday to check the schedule book. I walk into the store managers and ask where the schedule book is. He looks at me cockeyed and this conversation ensued.
"Aren't you in rehab?"
"Wait, what? I was in rehab?"
"It was said that you were in rehab."
"When was i in rehab? Who said that?"
"Well it came about cause you didnt show up to work on day and some one made a joke like 'oh maybe he's in rehab'. After that you didnt show up another day and another day and the rumor turned into what we thought was true and we fired you."
"But i wasnt scheduled to work, i had zero hours for the week."

After that he paused for a minute and said "You got transferred to customer serivce." I replied "No one told me this." so he said to wait and called in James Brown the operations manager. When he got in there he asked him if he told me i got transferred. He paused and said no so after that we sorted out all the shit and i got my job back. Funny stuff.

Today at jeffs i was playing with some halo figures. And what i have for you is the epic struggle that ensued when i got my hands on them.

To ensure that you see it from start to finish in the proper order i shall provide you with a link you may view.
The Struggle!

Did you enjoy that? I hope so because the insanity doesnt stop yet
Rated NC-17

Muhahaha. I should work on robot chicken.

Well that is all i leave you with for now.

Later Days

Friday, December 08, 2006


I have mono. Dont expect much. The End.