Sunday, December 24, 2006

The gates of life have closed on you

Look at that face. Better yet look at that joint.

All my friends are back from college so life is good.


Well i quit my job after getting fired for the second time. Well, this previous thursday i called in to get my hours for friday cause i forgot to write them down. Whilst talking to the dumbass at customer service about it i'm told i was suppose to work wednsday and thursday. The the copy of the schedule James Brown gave me said i dont have work thursday. I also told that tar baby i wasnt going to be in work on thursday, but that message never made it to the stupid pyramid builder who runs the place. I was also told not to come in on friday. Hah, i went in on friday to bitch about that mess of bullshit. I was arguing about it and it came to the conclusion to just come in and work. So i called in yesterday at like 5 and told my manager i quit. Fuck that shit.

I raped life at Junglebeat. Like anally raped. I was playing my favorite stage for fun and i just dominated it.

You know what happened after that? A platinum crest fell from the sky!!

Speaking of Junglebeat this was Tess' preperation for the round.

And this is her endeavor.

Funnier then a barrel of monkeys.

What else. Ive become addicted to mechassault. The game is so lacking in so many areas, but some fucking way they made it fun and addicting. Yesterday hoke and i were playing a grinder match. I got 38kills. Thirty-eight. When einsten slept over a couple nights ago we were playing, however he only had on contact in and it was messing him up. SO what did he do? He made an eyepatch.

Also during his sleep over i took control of the kitchen with Dave's help and made some mad ass buffalo wings.

Fried twice for your hearts inconvience. Oh they were so good.

And the final bit of fun from the sleep over comes in the form of this video. Tell me if you can pick out the one subtlty that makes the video even better.

By the way christmas sucks. As does christmas eve. Also fuck people with a white lighter superstition. White is obviously the superior race, why cant you just accept it as a superior lighter color.

ANd i tire of this so

Later Days

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Love your shitty, useless, nonexistant girlfriend that you do not have