Thursday, February 15, 2007


The Nintendo DS. The pedophiles handheld of choice.

PAs response

" While driving on the highway, a child molester who is also driving might look into the back seat of your car and see your child using their DS back there. According to
this terrifying report, the child molester can then - while driving their car - produce a DS of their own and utilize it to divine your home address. You will recall that he is driving on the highway at speeds approaching sixty miles an hour. One hand is on the wheel and the other is managing the gearbox. Thus, there can be no question.

He is entering these messages into the DS with his erect phallus.

The report isn't specific on this last point, but it's clearly present in the subtext. Pedophiles are writing messages to your kids using their dicks. "

Old Today, 12:07 AM
Orange Juice
Orange Juice is offline
Beach Boys are dope!

Originally Posted by Mole
It is not a very realistic proposition to force a ten-year-old, who walks to school by himself, to walk in 6 inches of snow.

But that's why we have pedophiles! To help them get to school!
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Orange Juice
Old Today, 04:40 AM

Genome is offline
The bitch is dead now

Originally Posted by Orange Juice
But that's why we have pedophiles! To help them get to school!

Making maps with the help of Pictochat to guide them right!
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Old Today, 04:40 PM

Slithery is online now
The creature thus be born

Behold more smoke tricks!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Fuck it up and kill one

That was the first song to achieve full volume in my car.

Yeah i dont update much. The thing is im not up to much. But this will have extended content as opposed to normal. THats if you're interested.

First and foremost.

Shaunee drew that on MS paint one day when she was over. I drew the sperm.

Speaking of which Shaunee is the greatest ever. I love her dearly and she's amazing.

Now i dont rightly remember them sequence of events, so im just going to post a picture and talk.

Super Bowl sunday and some you're beat. We didn't watch the super bowl at all. It was toking and smashing as it always is. Then i watched the family guy marathon and my beautiful lover stayed over.

The only card you need is the ace of spades!

Justin slain after an ace hit.

Well fuck i thought there were more pictures but their werent. Since my life is some what uninteresting take comfort in knowing nothing more happened then skool, shaunee, smoking and bumming.

Anyway here are some doodles to gaze upon. By the way, im linking them to a larger version for viewing enjoyment. Enjoy.

For the love of god i hope that wroked cause HTML sucks dick.

I have urgent news. URGENT. And deserving. Holy shit i can post some funny news articles after this. But first.

Matt Chalupski has his picture proudly hanging on the wall of the mall at his skool. Do you know why? Well if you knew Matt you could take a guess. Because this man can choke down 1.5 pounds of beef in his throat. Do you know of some one who can put 1.5 pounds of beef down their throat? Jenna Jameson does not count. Exactly. You don't. Lets take a moment of silence to salute this trooper, who can take 1.5 pounds of beef down his throat.

A women takes the wrong bus. Gets home 25 years later. Darwinism is slacking

Oh god just read it.

Lets have some videos.

My wand ftw.

Hail satan. Worship the devil. Love lucifer and all that jazz.

And now later days