Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I wonder if she likes ranch

"Steady camera for best results"


Why I went to the show

Thursday, November 23, 2006

We're gods and demons

On the way we're feelings.

Blah. I gotta be at work at 4 30am. Yeah. THat blows. Ill be in bed by 9.

Thanksgiving was alright. I went to my grandmothers for an early dinner. Quite tasty. And there was pie. I was stuffed.

I've been doing jack shit since ive got home. So bored. Therefore i update this.

A few nights ago at brians we decided to smoke cook an feast. But not in that order. THe smoking was last. And oh boy was there smoking. Anyway i was in the fried chicken and mac and cheese department. Tomer was on the grill. The other 3 were there to eat. However the clean up was the most fun. Firstly. The sink looked like a wrecked abortion complete with the tools used. See for yourself.

But the true fun didnt come till they put my stoned ass in charge of the dishwasher. Take a guess what happened. Come on. Is it there....?

Yeah i put too much soap in. Like, too much. Hahahaha

Part I

Part II

Part IV

Dont jump to conclusions just yet.

Part III

Hehe. Oh what fun. We sat there and were starring at it overflow for a big whilst we made comments and laughed. And brian squirmed a little in agony and frustration.

"I smoked weed and nobody died. I didn't get in a car accident. I didn't go out and OD on heroin the next day. Nothing happened. Sat on Pete's couch..."


And in case you dont know what the hair is for...

And with this i bring up a task for you all. When my hair was shorter me headbanging was referred to as a poodle having a seizure(circa GBC). With the previous footage in mind come up with a good comparison for it.

WIth that i bid you later days.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Not for the easily disturbed

Beware the title.

By the way, the name of the video is titty dance.

There are just all kinds of posts happening today.


First and foremost, Deja.

And i must introduce, The Lighthouse

If you cant figure it out its a grav. Thats a splendid creation from amy and jays.

Speaking of splendid creations, here is one we call The Meri-Go-Round

And last but certinaly not the least. This one im going to link by the way. I found an orb in a random picture with Chelsea Hoke and Shaun. You know, an orb, spirit in orb form often found in photographs. Anyway take a look and you'll see right away where it is. And if you examine it closely(as in zoom in) you can tell its not a lens flare or diffraction or any kind of distortion or smoke. Crazy yo.
Lo and Behold

Tis all for now. Expect a video at some point.

Im stoned and bored so there may be a few random posts today.

D3monic Smurf: i rule, i had the phone and the keys to the game cases most of the day yesterday
deViLs666prOGeNy: I bet you felt like a king
D3monic Smurf: hell no, i felt like a prisoner

How do you do it

I had an epiphany the other night driving home. Or maybe i was driving some where else. Regardless it dawned on me. And i think it's an important thing in life. However i'm not going to tell any one. This is something everyone should figure out themselves. And its also something i doubt any of you will ever know.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


I'm tired and lazy. So im going to leave you off with a video to ponder on. More to come this weekend.

Friday, November 03, 2006

a brief moment of clarity

Yesterday was my one year anniversary with shaun. Yup, a whole year. Oh how i love her so. We enjoyed a nice relaxing day together and it kicked much ass.

And i have so many gamecube games now. I need a new memory card is what it comes down to. I took a break from Fire Emblem(although i plan on beating it this weekend) and i decided to take a break from Baten Kaitos. I just fought the hardest battle ever(at what some walkthroughs call one of the toughest in the game) and it burnt out my will to play for a little. However my dearest got me Pikmin 2. I started playing it last night at like 12 30ish. Next thing i know its 3 20am. Fun stuff.

Both Zanghi and Brian will be here today and this weekend. Sweet shit yo. And before i go and play some more pikmin here are two videos. It was brought up im only showing videos from the rec room and such so i grabbed some that arent from there for a change.

Later Days

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

My halloween

I spent my halloween swallowing the colors of the sounds i hear.