Friday, November 03, 2006

a brief moment of clarity

Yesterday was my one year anniversary with shaun. Yup, a whole year. Oh how i love her so. We enjoyed a nice relaxing day together and it kicked much ass.

And i have so many gamecube games now. I need a new memory card is what it comes down to. I took a break from Fire Emblem(although i plan on beating it this weekend) and i decided to take a break from Baten Kaitos. I just fought the hardest battle ever(at what some walkthroughs call one of the toughest in the game) and it burnt out my will to play for a little. However my dearest got me Pikmin 2. I started playing it last night at like 12 30ish. Next thing i know its 3 20am. Fun stuff.

Both Zanghi and Brian will be here today and this weekend. Sweet shit yo. And before i go and play some more pikmin here are two videos. It was brought up im only showing videos from the rec room and such so i grabbed some that arent from there for a change.

Later Days

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