Thursday, November 23, 2006

We're gods and demons

On the way we're feelings.

Blah. I gotta be at work at 4 30am. Yeah. THat blows. Ill be in bed by 9.

Thanksgiving was alright. I went to my grandmothers for an early dinner. Quite tasty. And there was pie. I was stuffed.

I've been doing jack shit since ive got home. So bored. Therefore i update this.

A few nights ago at brians we decided to smoke cook an feast. But not in that order. THe smoking was last. And oh boy was there smoking. Anyway i was in the fried chicken and mac and cheese department. Tomer was on the grill. The other 3 were there to eat. However the clean up was the most fun. Firstly. The sink looked like a wrecked abortion complete with the tools used. See for yourself.

But the true fun didnt come till they put my stoned ass in charge of the dishwasher. Take a guess what happened. Come on. Is it there....?

Yeah i put too much soap in. Like, too much. Hahahaha

Part I

Part II

Part IV

Dont jump to conclusions just yet.

Part III

Hehe. Oh what fun. We sat there and were starring at it overflow for a big whilst we made comments and laughed. And brian squirmed a little in agony and frustration.

"I smoked weed and nobody died. I didn't get in a car accident. I didn't go out and OD on heroin the next day. Nothing happened. Sat on Pete's couch..."


And in case you dont know what the hair is for...

And with this i bring up a task for you all. When my hair was shorter me headbanging was referred to as a poodle having a seizure(circa GBC). With the previous footage in mind come up with a good comparison for it.

WIth that i bid you later days.

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