Friday, March 16, 2007

This is too good

Hoke: Hey pete you busy?
Me: Go to hell.
Hoke: Dude im not askin for any favors, i know the thing with shaun and nothing i say is gonna fix that but i figured you would know better about return rates on dvds. I'm in some debt and trying to get out.
Me: I hear whale oil fetches a high price. So why not ask Gil to help?
Hoke: Hope i dont run into you.. That was uncalled for.. And ill break your face if you do it again. Id remakr about shaun but she hasnt fucked me over unlike some.
Me: Hahahahaha. You know whats uncalled for? Breaking into seaworld to get a girlfriend.
Hoke: If your life actually held any meaning anymore that might bother me.. Give shaun a kiss for me though.
Me: Hahahahahahaha. THat come back is almost as pathetic as your life. I'll give shaun a kiss for you if you'll part with a pair of your sisters underwear. We all know you steal them.
Hoke: Yes and we all know your girlfriend can't stand you so its all good then faggot.
Me: Yo tell me where you found a whooly manmouth in this day and age and got it to date you? Beastiality is illegal man.
Hoke: You must find yourself amusing cause thats really all your entertaining.
Me: Nah, i got a room full of people laughing their ass off at you.(The room was John, Jeff, Myself, Rob, and Lynn)
Hoke: Not anyone of any consequence i'm sure.
Me: Haha only the longest lasting crea that you had in your life. And now we sit together in laughter at how pathetic you are.
Hoke: Yeah my crew... A lying backstabber, his slut girlfriend, a horn dog hippie, and you? Yeah such great friends.
Me: And then there's you, an incest loving whale fucker who creeps out everyone he meets.
Hoke: Ok getting a hard on yet?And no then there wouldnt be me cause all you immature underevolved apes dropped me liek a bag full of oregano. And over what i still have no clue.
Me: (coup de grace) We dun dont take kindly to the whale fucking like round here. It's unnatuarl getting all excited about blubbery whale vaginas.
Hoke: Cause your boys little cock slut wasnt her best friend and didnt want in her pants...(not a clue what the fuck this means but yeah) So go ahead laugh all you want cause it dont mean shit anymore.
Me: The tears making it that hard to think
Hoke: No but the lack of interset is. Considering you've yet to make an original remark its just not mentall stimulating anymore.

Ok the originality remark through me off there. I just stared at the phone going "what? what? what? lack of originality? what?" Then i gained some composure and through some originality at him.

Me:You want originality? How bout Gilzilla? Gilbert? Gilbertha? Orca the Giller Whale? Free Gilly? I think you chose the wrong person to challenge to a game of wits. Consider yourself thoroughly owned. And then some.
Hoke: Ok so you're still taking cheap shots at my whalefriend... i thought you were going for originality.

Hahahah. After that i just let it die because it was obvious he wasnt even trying to defend himself at that point.

Thats all for now. Expect videos and pictures soon.

Later Days

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