Tuesday, March 27, 2007

it smells so sweet

"Well, like, the first time i tried it i didnt think i'd become addicted. I was at this totally hot guys house for a party and these girls like, offered me some. After that it was like shopping in the mall and finding out your credit card is maxed out. It like totally got worse from there. I started like, stealing and selling my body just to get my day to day fix. My other friends would break into animal shelters and totally make off like bandits. It wasn't until, i like found a picture of Rupert, my doggy from when i was young that i checked myself into rehab..."

You've just read an actual testimony of a recovering puppy-crack head. Puppy-Crack is a serious drug and will ruin your life. And good friends dont let friends smoke puppies.
This message paid for by the Coallition to Keep Kids off Puppy-Crack

So how bout that puppy crack eh?

The weekend was fantasmagictaculuextroidenesss. Yup. That spells marijuana if you're good.

The drive up to PA was nice and easy. Minus the shitty ass weather it was a gooood drive. Shiva and I said hello to pennsylvania as soon as we crossed the border. Revo, smokin' bowls state to state. Upon arriving on the road which the campus is on I see Einstein and (soon to be introduced)Tristan on my side of the road pointing at me to go left. Some quick manuvering and a near accident later those two run up and jump in the car and we venture forth to Daves dorm.

Went there and dropped off me stuff and then started the evening. We decided to go blaze in Tristans room. This will, with in 2 paragraphs become a hugely repetitive statement. There I met Matt and introduced to two of them to Mushi. Two more victims claimed. After some milling about we tried to go to the first concert on our agenda. Much to our dismay, we got lost. Upon calling the box office we find we are a few streets and blocks away from where we want to be and the fucking show is sold out. With our detest we sought ease from the good dunsparce in the woods off campus. We dicked around with video games till Tristan got back from his evening endeavors, whence forth we blazed in his room.

The next day begins and Dave lost his fucking key. He searched for it in the room with my help for about 10 minutes then had to depart to his woman. His leaving words were to check the floor "and in shoes". Aftering working up from the floor, to all compartments of the desk, to the desk istelf, i found the key. In front of the printer. Under a fucking CD he lost 5 times during the weekend. I wanted to hurt him but im too use to it. I also had a chance to talk to Daves room mate, who he never talks too. When i say never, you won't hear a room more silent. Hahaha, i found that to be a highlight of the trip in retrospec.

After i got the stupid key i went out front for a stoge. But when i went to go back in there was a new security guard then the two i met. And i am some random kid with no ID who happens to have a key. Hahaha. It was at this point i found out Dave is pimpin it greatly with all the security guards in his building. Dropping his name and the situation i got by with ease. Mac Daddy Dave, watch out.

You know i dont remember the sequence of what happened but i almost positive we smoked in tristans room, got food and did the latter again. From there we went unto the city. Our first stop was Wonderland. If you are some way daves friend or see him randomly you should have a business card for them. I wasn't too impressed. Nice stuff, but every head shop has nice pieces. The more artsy and expensive ones were nice, however the only real plus this one had is it diffusers and diffuser stems of all sorts and sizes. I ended up getting a pack of gloves and a lighter. Meh. Afterwards we walked god knows how far to get a cheese steak from the "best" place in philly. Well the line for it was about a fucking hour. An hour. So that alone said it had to be good. However, thats all it was. Good. Not great, or awesome or orgasmic. Good. Vinnies shits alllllll over them so hard. Dont fucking go there unless it has no crowd cause i assure you its not worth the wait. You can get a fucking better one down the street from me, for a buck cheaper, and have it in under 10 minutes. 5 if its not busy.

After that i hit up Condom Kingdom and got shaunee a gift. Its a small growable penis. You know the shit you used to get as a kid that would grow to however many times the size. Well hers grows to 100x. Bitches.

From there we walked, once again god knows how far to get to the Trocadero. Somewhere along the line Tristan parted ways with us. Upon entry they wouldnt let dave bring his titanium spork in. He had to leave it in a bin outside. And the guards failed to find the 1/8 on me. It was a win and a loss. The concert was ok. Scar Symmetry was bleh and a half. Into Eternity was good, we smoked with them by the way. The Haunted was alright and i was smoking with into eternity during dark tranquility. The way that happened, Einstein was was waiting near the door he saw the band members come in and out of and the singer from Into Eternity came out, reeking of reefer as it turns out, and dave went over to talk to him and smelled it on him like the basset hound he is. Long story short marijuana is the great equalizer. Back at campus we spent the remainder of our night in tristans room smoking and hanging with assorted peoples.

Next day we woke tristan up and greeted him with shive packed, held to his mouth, and lit for him whilst he was in bed. Then we met up with kelly and got some foodage. Turns out dave remains the same in lunchroom there as he did in highskool. Its comforting to know some things never change. After that we packed and got our shit together for back home.

The End

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