Friday, April 13, 2007

sing a song that doesnt sing

Are we the last living souls?

Little to some of your knowledge my computer has been busted. Capunk. Mother fucking shit. Well it is fixed now. And because of such good wealth I would like to sing a hymn.

You're on time for the bus driver right?

Well due to my long absence and because my utter lazieness/uninterest in posting from before I'll present to you this post 3 videos featuring non other then Boonkasket. You should know by now his are by far the best so you get nothing but tonight folks.

Well it has been the same shit different day as per usual. Nothing new or exciting has really taken place. Just another week, people got stabbed, weed was smoked, class was shit, work sucks and Shaunee is great.

The way my computer broke was this. I have most of my current hard drive spaced filled, however i have a blank 120gig HD sitting around. So i finally got around to switching the drives out and doing what i needed to do. Well after i did that everything went to shit. Windows wouldnt load up and it said some shit about a file being fucked. So then i had to wait a couple of days to get an XP cd to try and correct the fucking error. Well the one i got didnt work. Shit to that. Pat burnt me another and when i finally got ahold of it to use it turns out he didnt burn it with boot priority. Well a couple days after that Pat and Alan both give me real version of XP. Those dont work either. Huzzah. It came to the point where we threw my master drive in Alans pc and copied over the corrupted file. The End. Oh, and after it was fixed i tried switching the drives liek i originally wanted, and then my pc wont recognize the hd. The The End.

Now on a more serious note. I need to talk to you all about. In 2008, when you go to the polls to vote, there shall be only one candidate in all of your minds. Michael "Boonkasket" Zanghi. He shall be the light to lead us away from Bush's tyranny. There can be only one. And that one is Zanghi.

Do you know what a wet hooker feels like? Mike Zanghi does. And its cold.

With knowledge such as this, who could deny his ability to lead a country out of debt and into prosperity. Such sagistic knowledge will break our chains and free us! With him we shall succeed! Vote Zanghi.

Look at those magic fingers. Moving up and moving down. You want those magic fingers on your face. Its ok to admit. He'll do it for you too. Just vote Mike.

With Him as our president he will bring back Jazz Hands. Do you want to live in a world with out jazz hands? If you answered yes or maybe you're a fucking terrorist. Jazz Hands for president.


I am not a crook.

Later Days

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