Monday, January 08, 2007

a chokehold till the end

I havent updated in a while. Meh. Who cares.

I'm getting a new car tomorrow. If not then on wednsday. It is a black 97 volkswagen jetta. I cant wait. And at the same time i am quite sad. For teh wagon shall be no more. As big of a piece of shit that thing is im sure we will all miss it dearly. And i now ask for whomever reading this to bow their head for a moment of silence for the car.

Ok anyway. You know what fucking sucks? Having Valkyrie Profile 2, Disgaea 2, and FF12 and not having a fucking ps2. I could kill a man. And any jury of gamers would not convict me i say.

Damn right. Skwisgaar be his name.

New years. Ha, i forgot about that. 1 ounce. 10 people. Excalibur. Blunts. Tulip. Bowls Upon Bongs.

And the best picture

And here is a story my sweetheart wrote me.

LuMBrrJAwS: Once upon a time there was a boy named Peter
LuMBrrJAwS: He was the handsomest boy that ever lived
LuMBrrJAwS: While walking through his town one day, he stumbled upon a blonde girl named Shaunee... and he knocked her ass down. Unintentionally of course
LuMBrrJAwS: As he helped her up, her gorgeous blue eyes landed sight on his stunning brown ones and it was fate.
LuMBrrJAwS: He told her that she was so beautiful... and a cute little tear fell from Shaunee's eye
LuMBrrJAwS: He wiped her tear away and said, "Come away with me to my castle, for I am the prince of this land. Be my princess and let us live happily ever after!"
LuMBrrJAwS: Shaunee declined, for her wicked evil step parents will slaughter her if she did so.
LuMBrrJAwS: Prince Chraming Piscitello II (PCP) told her that if she came with him, no harm can be done to her, for she will be protected by palace walls.

Auto response from D3monic Smurf: Gone like the day is fading.

LuMBrrJAwS: What PCP had said convinced Shaunee so, and she went home that day, grabbed her things, and left... never to return to the life she once lived as a poor, abused, farm girl.
LuMBrrJAwS: And they lived happily ever after.
LuMBrrJAwS: The end.
LuMBrrJAwS: Oh, and there was a lot of sex and pot smoking at the end just 'cos hey... its a fairytale

I love her lots and lots. She's the best.

Anyway i tire of this. So i will leave you with some smoke tricks

Later days

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