Thursday, January 25, 2007

ousted from eden

Well since im talking to dave about it i'll say it now. I do not enjoy divinity live. Its the same fucking show ive been going to in highskool. The band is mixed up from what it use to be, however they havent put a new song into their set since Haven. But i did them justice like always and jumped in the sleeper pit. ITs the fucking sleeper, come one. However i was imressed with forsaken because ive never seen soo many people start a pit for that song. Meh.

3 Inches of Blood was the fucking shiiiiiit. They started with Goatriders Horde which is my favorite. The singer who does the high powermetal voice looks like a fucking dwarf. Seriously, he has the body makeup of a dwarf. The other singer looked fucked up/shady as hell and was talking about drugs the whole time.
"This next song is the Magical Forrest, is about..."
"ITS about PCP!!"
Hahah. Deadly Sinners, for as gay of a song as it is, was done wonderfully and oh god the pits were great. I got elbowed in the head twice.

69 eyes. WHAT THE FUCK. Just no.

Now for cradle. Oh lord yes. Half the set sucked because it was thornography. The rest of it fucking ruled. I loved it. They kicked much ass. I jumped in the Her Ghost in the Fog pit. It started, i took a video, strapped my phone to the clip, checked myself out then went running dead center to fuck something up. There was a total lack of Cthulu Dawn and Scorched Earth but i got over it. I think the best part of the show was during(i think) cruelty brought thee orchids. I was starring up at the stage at johnny filth and there is just a perfect view, no heads in the way or nothing, and he is just starring straight back directly at me. It made the song and the show thaaaat much better.

She was divinities creature that kissed in cold mirros, a queen of snow. Far beyond compare

Sorry, the song came on

Well in other notable news i had a light saber duel. It was great. I told jeff to be ready and rolled up to his house ready for a fight.

John and Justin

I dontk now. I was banging the keys to the music.

Well im fresh out of ideas so i bid you all aideu

Later Days

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