Wednesday, March 14, 2007

beyond the deafening hum

I am just the allmighty evil doer in this life. When something goes wrong or i do not follow pace with everyone i am the immediate cause of hate. When others falter it is not so bad, however if i tread in the exact same path the shit hits the fan. It's ok to hate me because i am the bad guy in life. Just jump on the bandwagon like everyone else. No one has ever treated me with the respect and reverance they give others. Not one. That is why when the wolrd is ending, i will be the one causing it. When everything is fucking over i will be the one who ended it because i am the piece of shit who ruins worlds. I'm some one who can just be tossed aside with out a second thought. Who the fuck cares about the antagonist? Espically in your own life. No one. And trust me, it has shown through every single soul i've had the displeasure of thinking was good enough to call a friend. None of you are spared from my hate.

Who is going to be left for you to shift blame to and to throw away when i am gone?

All of you are fucking worthless.


Anonymous said...

you're misguided and your judgment is askew. your erratic outlook faulted your actual beliefs and is what's accounting for this archive to be totally wrong.

Revo said...

If i am so misguided and my judgement is so askew then how come I'm haunted by the memories of those closest to me tossing me aside as if i was nothing.

Anonymous said...

that cannot be genuine for all events in your life, collectivity.
and if it is, you should have either killed yourself or everyone around you who administered this a long time ago.
however, that's too bizzarre to think that every important person you bring into your life delivers the feeling of insignificance to you. if it's entirely true, then you've, clearly, brought the wrong people into your life. you can choose who you attend to. maybe change the people around you. live your own life. you come before you.

Anonymous said...

Does this concern myself as well? Do I really treat you so poorly?

You always yell at me to speak to you about what bothers me, but you can't even do the same. I didn't know you felt this way, and reading this, Peter, it breaks my heart. This is obviously bothering you if you claim you are "haunted by the memories of those closest to you tossing you aside." That's a real problem Pete. You need to talk to somebody, you need to open yourself up, and if not to me, then seek guidance from whoever you can.
I will always, without fail, be there for you. If you ever need me, you know the ways to reach me. Never be afraid to reach out for help. You have no idea how loved you are, especially by me. I only want to help you, like you have done for me.

I love you Peter Charles. I love you with my entire heart. I love you more than anything.


Revo said...

Haha. Some of the events in my life could bring the strongest person to their knees in tears.

And i didnt bring the wrong people into my life. It just turned out most of them werent worth what i thought. And you must not know me too well if you think you need to inform me to live my own life and that I come before everything.

And once more you fail with your knowledge of me saying i should change those im around.

If you come here trying to spout out hope or faith or some shit i dont want to hear it. Me being pissed off and bitching at all the fucks that i called a friend who called me a demon doesnt cry out for help. It cries out for a bong rip cause im obviously pissed off.

Im the one you go to for help, not the one who needs it. The only person that could ever reach me when i needed it was my father and you arent him so take your advice elsewhere.

Revo said...

And i love you shaunee. More than anything. Less than three times six.

Anonymous said...

yeah, you're right. maybe I shouldn't give a damn.

Anonymous said...

E-Sizzle Wuz Hizzle

Anonymous said...

meh i think you should just shut the fuck up. sound good? great. now do it. emo bitch.

Revo said...

Hahahahahahaha. Thanks for the laugh. Hahaha. Oh man. Hahahaha.

Anonymous said...

I think you're awesomely amazing... and the person who wrote you that comment sucks tiny, Asian cock.


P.S. I love you.