Sunday, October 15, 2006

I want you in my doorway, naked... with a compass

Whoops. Totally forgot to come back and post. Meh, whatever.

Well last night i slept over shauns. That was a lot of fun. We watched movies and tv and hung out. We fell asleep on the couch together. It was awesome. I lover her sooo much.

Friday was a damn good day too. Early on i decided to trade in some video games and pick up some new ones. I bought 4 to trade in(Suikoden 3, FFX, Disgaea, Dark Cloud 2) and ended up getting 3 games, a subscription to game informer, and a discount card. All for the cost of 3 dollars. I was a happy boy. The games i got were Fire Emblem: Path orf Radiance, Skies of Arcadia Legends, and Baiten Kaitos.

Later on a small souiree which we are all so accustomed too happened. I went and picked up tess and by the time we got back and got a pack of stoges the gang had arrived. With a half. And oodles of new toys. Picture time.

Tea Bagged



Now for some toys. And pardon me because i do not remember the names. However it was a star wars themed night.

This i do remember as Yoda

Word. Yo.

And i owe you some more videos. Hm, which ones though.

Oh yeah. Since you can see the red one is a steam roller and that was kicking our ass all night ill post an encounter with einstein and a steam roller.

The best is the story after the video ends. After he coughed for maybe 30 seconds he puked into his hand and funneled the puke into a nearby ashtray. Then puked in the ash tray. Hahaha, who the fuck thinks to use his hand as a funnel for his puke. It makes me laugh to this day.

And ive just been wanting to post this.
The Boonkasket Calladvanced

Im pissed you can barely see anything. But its a giant pvc pipe. It was awesome.

The End
Later Days

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