Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Where's the rum!

The party was more fun then a barrel of monkeys tripping on acid. Took a little for everyone to start arriving but after that it was fun.

There was some purplpe jesus there. That equates to several gallons of hard liqour. A couple gallons of fruit juices. And fresh cut up fruit. De-fucking-licious. I was getting shaun to drink it. But thats cause she's an alcoholic so its ok.

The whole night was just intoxication. Wait, thats what a party is. Fuck it, fun stuff. There was a little place called purgatory too. Ten minutes alone wiht some one in a small cushy room. Shaun and I were the first to get some liquids on the stuff. Whoops. And Deja(their totally fucking awesome dog) decided to come in and hang out with us the entire time. Now thats what i call a good time.

I'll post a few pictures before i start on the beligerence of geoff.

Where be yer booty

Dorthy and some bitch(pun intended!!11!)

Vote for satan

Oh mansy was geoff drunk off his nuts. He had a nice bottle of cap'n morgan for himself in a sweet ass container(forgot to snag a pic of it). Needless to say he drank most of it. And shit did it show. Towards the end of my time at the party shaun and i were just laughing at his outburts of hello and how you doing to people. All in a pirate accent of course. But you gotta think, would you have it any other way?

I hung out smoking hookah for like the last hour and a half. Oh hookah.

Well my adventures didnt end there. However this next part can only be told in song and dance. But the problem is i cant sing or dance, so ill just tell the story.

A tan station wagon with all sorts of battle wounds pulls through the drive through of the local mcdonalds. Its about 2 in the morning and the rest of the town was dark from a black out. But not mcdonalds!
"Hi, could i have a mcchicken sandwhi.."
"Guess i gotta go inside"
Once in the fine eatin establishment i am confronted by a sight which i have never seen. All four ghostbusters were there, but they had sex changes! And jim morrison was at the counter trying to get a big mac. There were 4 black men making of Jim and his snak skin pants. But before long they left to try and find a chicken holiday, i think. Afterwards elvis and his friend walked in. Everyone there had too much to drink/smoke/all of the above. ALl the eyes were glazed over and red. The wait time unsettled all these patrons of the night and caused us all to lash out and bug the ones working. Elvis' friend got fed up with it and lit up a stoge right in front of the counter and demanded his food. Before he finished Jim asked him for one and followed suit. Only he broke out into a little dance with his cigarette. You could tell he was feeling those miccy-dee vibes. When elvis' friend was done he stomped out the cigarette on the ground with his feet and finally orders and food began to get taken and given out. Thus conclude this tale.

(sorry about how bad they are, understand my state of mind)
Elvis and a Ghostbuster or 2

Jim and the smoker smoking them smokes.

After i took that last pic the guy came up and was like "Hey what are you doing, thats evidence."
"Yeah, evidence this night happened because i know i wont remember come morning."

Thus be told my saturday
Later Days

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