Monday, October 09, 2006

There may be dogs about

Stein Of Metal: chinese power
Stein Of Metal: yo my car gets 200 miles for every dollar.
D3monic Smurf: hah
D3monic Smurf: pay them in rice
Stein Of Metal: that you have mexicans grow for cheap
Stein Of Metal: and by cheap i mean share cropping
D3monic Smurf: hahah
Stein Of Metal: and by share cropping i mean beatings.

Forgot to post over teh weekend. Fuck it. And i forgot the video on thursday. SO you'll get two today.

The Massive Attack show was fucking sweet. It was really good at first, then the last 5 songs it just got ridiculously awesome. And i couldnt find any one to go so i gave away my extra ticket at the door. The walk back to the station sucked cause it was just pouring rain. 20 blocks in teh rain sucks.

This post will be cut short because of circumstances beyond my control.

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