Tuesday, October 31, 2006


And this will be the last of the three. Maybe a fourth tomorrow but thatll be in honor of halloween. Dont forget there are 2 posts under this one.

And i forgot one thing in the last post. Before i left people were blazing in the garage and i stopped to say bye to Jay and Geoff. After our goodbyes i was like "I must ask for a hit of that before i leave" a second later Geoff cuts in "You should take a hit before you go." And Jays response was "What would Satan do" and hands me hte bong.

Oh get this. In my phone calender i dont have it saying today is halloween. Instead i have it as a reminder that FF12 comes out today. Priorities man.

Anyway once more on the halloween note, here is kutcher thinking he is a zombie.

Do you know the time?

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