Sunday, September 03, 2006

Epiphany. Pass the bong man

D3monic Smurf: oh man
D3monic Smurf: i was stoned
D3monic Smurf: and i thought of the greatest fucking theory for being psychic
iLLoGiCaL LyNx: shoot
D3monic Smurf: i love when shit like that comes to me
D3monic Smurf: my theory is that our brainwaves transmit on a wavelength wherever we are. And when people talk and communicate and interact those wavelengths sych up. Over time your brains wavelengths get use and accustomed to certain wave lengths. Henceforth when you preceive something that some one is thinking or know exactly what they are going to do or say before it happens, its because you are receiving the same brainfeed as them
D3monic Smurf: and its works vice versa
D3monic Smurf: and i also believe that one person can influence the other person with his own thoughts when those wave lenghts are in sych
D3monic Smurf: if you are ever thinking of a word or a memory you shared, and that person says hte word or brings up that memory, its because you were influencing them to think it by thinking on it yourself

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