Sunday, September 10, 2006

The skins the slither deliver me free

Bleh. Im sick. I've had this stomach virus thing on and off for the past week and today seems to be the worst of it. And at this point i dont know of my stomach is hungry or if im gonna puke. I hate that feeling.

Yesterday got stupid with pat and john. Dont expect details. Before that though i was hanging out with dominic and his younger friend. C
.hilling and talking and shit. They failed to believe me that i havent even been smoking a year. But a lot of people do. And my stomach wants to die.

Thursday was suppose to be the first day of classes for me. But that got all fucked up. When i registered for classes a little while back they didnt tell me when payment was due for the semester. Turns out it was due two days after i registered so they dropped all my clases. That annoyed the shit out of me. I get to sort all of that shit out tuesday. Im dreading that because i know im gonna be slapped with all the shit time slots for classes since the ones i originally signed up for are filled.

Rewind a bit on that day. I woke up pretty early and went over to shauns. I made pancakes for her and her cousin devin. First batch were normal, the second contained crushed up oreos. They kicked ass. We hung around the house for a bit. Showered and what not and then i drove her to class and found out all that shit with my classes. After that i went up to pats to try and make my schedule online but they dont let you do that since skool started. That led us to fuck around with some video games and watch random clips of random things.

When pat was heading out to class i went back down to brookdale and picked up shaun from her first day. Had a cigarette at the gazebo and saw dan there so i talked to him for a bit.

Nothing to eventful. Back at her place i made us dinner and we hung out. Asha came by and shaun ended up straightening my hair.

Fucking sweet. Photobucket made resizing pictures easier/faster. Now if only theyd let me punch in my own dimensions for the picture.

Anyway here are a few of me with straightened hair. I realize now i forgot to take one of the back.

And i love this blog. I accidently clicked on a link in my links bar and instead of just loading up that page it asked me if i wanted to since i had shit typed. FUck yes.

The internet makes me lazy. I dont even have to type in any HTML anymore if i dont want to. All the basic shit is covered with the convience of buttons and keyboard shortcuts. Technology will be our down fall.

I went through most of my videos from my digi cam and renamed them so i could actually locate them. ANd since im a pot head and i forget things ill post two for not posting one on thursday. Or making it up on friday, hehe.
(note: this would have been up yesterday but the power went out before i posted it)

Firstly id ask for you to bring the pain.

And this is just funny

Oh man. Last night on WSOU they played, in its entirety, the Shatner version of rocket man. IT was fucking sweet. Espically since(as most of you should know) it was just on family guy.

Later Days

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