Monday, September 25, 2006

It turns out i have most of the shit i wanted to post uploaded

I am here to infrom you all of a new rule that shall be practiced when amoungst people. It is called the fumble.

As you should have seen, subject B, john, dropped his cigarette. However subject A, justink was quick to see this fall and called fumble.

If you didnt piece it togeter just yet ill spell it out to your dumb ass. If you drop your cigarette, and some one calls fumble, it becomes there cigarette. Easy, no?

And secondly i am here to ask if you all missed out on your chance to get a clicker.

You can see here its sleek metalness. Also take note to its patented clicking clicker. Its state of the art display can show anything from 0-9999. o0o But thats not all.

What some of you may call a black tunry thing is really its knob. Feel free to polish it, or touch it, just caress it gently even....I mean with this black turny thing you can either reset or add numbers. Nifty eh?

Now lets go to an action shot

Be envious you dont have one. Muhahaha!

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