Wednesday, September 13, 2006

You are now entering the harmonic world of

I hate it when this shit happens.I was sitting at the FFO boards reading through shit and typing a post. Last i remembered Acoustic Melody was on then out of no where i hear O Green World. Turns out my ears didnt pick up 4 songs in the play list. That use to happen to me on the bus all the time. Be sitting there, boom, at skool and my CD is on the second to last track. Crazy shit.

Yesterday was pretty damn good asides waking up early as hell. I fixed everything with me going to skool so i got my schedule. And it sucks. Mondays i have a class at 9 30am and another at 7pm. Wednsday only one at 9 30 am. ANd thursday i have an 8 30 am and a 7pm. Fuck that. After i sorted all that out i had lunch with Sage and hung out at campus for a little. THen i picked up shaun and drove her to class.

My afternoon after that was spent sitting at the gazebo. Fun as always.If you are ever on campus and are looking for a place to hang out go to the gazebo. Not a gazebo, the gazebo.

After Shaunee got out of class her and i departed towards my house where the rest of the day was spent. I love her dearly.

Oh man, my fucking Tactics Advance file got erased. That made me want to stab a nigger. Three times. For every hour i put into that file. Thats 56 hours. Times three. Thats a lot of 56 stabbed niggers. Each stabbed 3 times. Mo' fuckers.

Hehe, i put a "This medication should be taken with water" sticker on the grinder. I really need to get my hand on an excess amount of all those pill bottle stickers. That would prove to be great.

Since the chances of me updating this tomorrow are about slim to not going to happen ill post a video now for your ocular pleasure.

Oh yes. Oh fuck yes. I have a few words for you, "your hands around my throat".

And with that i must depart.
Later Days

Edit: And i almost forgot. The 27th of this month at the stone pony, Buckethead. Anybody with me?

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