Sunday, September 03, 2006

Its a curse

Thinking on it i cant remember what the hell i did with my other pair of rechargeable batteries. I think that because i need to picture whore my days more since i havent been.

I found a postcard from postsecret today that fits me pretty well. Go there and try and find it(hint,it has the virgin mary in the picture).

Yesterday was my friend justins birthday. Sadly he had to work so i missed hanging out with him. Ended up with a number of friends from eatontown and went down here to blaze. The new guys were slain as always. Tess was amoungst one of the new people. At some point before and during she claimed to be able to out smoke hoke. John and I looked at each other, looked at hoke, looked at her, and then just started laughing. And the best comment i heard all day was from her when she walked in. I had my handcuffs and such on the table and she saw them and said "nice, i have the same pair of handcuffs."

I went to Rat Fest on friday. Deftones = fat guy in tube socks. That sums them up. There was a band or two playing whilst we wandered but didnt pay any attention to them. Jeff and Einstein got new pieces at the show. Jeff got a nice bowl and einstein got a chillum. The chillum kicks much ass. Ive wanted to get one for a while. Afterwards we went to the crowed to watch the fat guy in tube socks and finally KoRn.

Korn was good but the show was dead. And from when their set began till when it ended their energy was just going down and down. However Blind was awesome. We plotted the demise of skittles through the means of a pit. BUt no one was opening one up and it was all muddy and rainy. Jeff was gonna go sliding down it at the end but no one else would and he didnt want to be the only one miserable and covered in mud. And dave got glug. Once again no picture cause im stupid and so is my batery charger.

And thats about it i suppose. Until next time

later days

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