Friday, September 22, 2006

darkness enclouses

Showers are refreshing. The best feeling in the world is how my hair feels when im washing the conditioner out of it. So smooth and sexy, like a 5 yearold girl with pig tails riding a hot pink tric in the mid spring.

Yesterday was pretty good. Had class at 8 30 in the am. But before that i met up with shaun since she got a ride there at earlier then that. I bought my books and met up with her when i got on campus. I gave her my keys so she could pass out in my car. And i like my history teacher. He was explaining how china kept nomads happy once upon a time. And after he explained it he put it the best way i could think to say it "Pretty much they're giving them shit so they dont come over and try to steal their shit." Teaching would be so much easier if all teachers could simplify things such as that.

Also talking about confusism he was talking how an emperor should be virtuous and some one the people would follow. So he was trying to think of some person who the class would follow if they came in. At first he was like " not our president, hmm." And i blurt out "Randy Savage". I dont know about you, but if The Macho Man Randy Savage walked into any where i was at and said to follow him, id be the first mother fucker out the door.

I went out to my car and hung out there with shaun for a while. I was reading through my education book. They have different news articles related to skools and teachers. Well i must say the best one ever was about one man, a great man. No, an MAN of men. He got fired from his position as a teacher because he starred in and produced over 100 porn flicks. He had to be the coolest fucking teacher in the world. Easily. But thats just because im yet to become a teacher.

Shaun and I ended up covering her foot in random little drawings. And some where in there i got all hippied out.

Make bongs, not war.

The rest of the day was here and there until it was time to go to my other class. I got there 5 or 10 minutes late so i hurried up to get to class. Problem was i didnt have my shcedule on me. Nor did i know what class room it was in. I just remember it being next to my civ class. Well i wander around up stairs for a good 10 minutes. I pop into one class and ask but to no help. I thought i found the class so i walk in, and the teacher is holding up some note card and speaking in a different language. Wrong again. So i ended up going out side to the gazebo and made some friends to hang out with.

And i found out why i couldnt find the class. Its in room 206, but the hall goes from 205 to 207, turn a bend, 212 214 216. Fucked up shit yo.

After that i ended up back at the gazebo as per usual. Hung out there for a bit with two other people and the three of us ended up hanging out for the rest of eve. We some how made our way into the student life center amoungst, i would say fags but i can tolerate gay people. Hm, well you know those drama fags from high skool, those kind of people. *shudder* They were sitting around listening to swing and fag and showtunes. I just happened to have a Kalmah cd on me at that moment in time so i pestered the queer with powerbook to put it in. Hahaha. He ended up skipping the tracks after the first 10 seconds. The other two could sense how irate i was getting so we ended up leaving. It was brought up how i looked as if i was going to break open the notebook and grab my cd. Oh boy was that right. It took so much for me to not take my book and smash the entire things to pieces and retrive my cd.

We ended up in a horror movie once we got downstairs. We wanted to go to the TV room but it was locked so we tried finding some one to open it. The entire downstairs was empty except a class going on. A class about battlegrounds no less. Anyway all the lights were on in all the rooms but no one was there. Weird as hell.

Eventually Pat got out of class and we went on some voyage or another. It ended with use bouncing between kfc, taco bell and kfc again. It ruled.

And that was my thursday. I started typing this on friday but kept saving at random points because lack of either time or will.

Friday was a good day. Hung out with John and Justin early on and ran some errands and killed time. Eventually got to blazing. But the true fire wasnt until that eve. Pat, Joh, Hoke, Tess, and myself had a sit down with Excalibur and a hundred bucks of good bud. Sadly it did not fair as well as one would expect. However i did manage to get 5 or 6 videos of the entire process for way too many. And to make the day that much better Shaun came over for the night.

Saturday had its ups and downs. The ups were another Excalibur session with hoke jesus and brian. That was good fun.

And pretty much all of my today was spent with Paper Mario. Hell fucking yeah. I was stuck on that thing from the moment i got home. I love how time disappears on me when i play games. At 8 i thought "alright, im gonna go start on some dinner at 9" and then all of a sudden its 10 30.

I have a few pics to post but theyre not uploaded. And i know if go to upload them now i wont finish this post so ill do it another day. But there is one im going to post. Shaunee was bored with out her internet so she ended up making this with paint.

I told her that posting it here is the equivilant of me hanging it on my fridge.

And im gonna head off because i got class tomorrow.
Later Days

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