Friday, September 01, 2006

Happy Birthday Love!!

First off id like to wish a girl whom i love dearly a very Happy Birthday. I LOVE YOU SWEETIE!!!

Today John, Hoke, Justin, Jeff and I hung out. We started running some errands and in the process got tikcets to Rat Fest tomrrow. Then we hung out at jeffs place for a bit. Before we went back to my house we grabbed some buddies and justins guitar. I met Evil Hulk today. If my battery charger wasnt so shitty id have pictures of it.

I took them through new years with the pictures. I got a total mind blow because i got 2 of the exact same pictures at different points in the night. Its fucking nuts. And i went through a bunch of videos of my friends and use being us. Then after numerous bouts of smash we enjoyed some hectic four players Naruto. Neji is god. And feral naruto rapes shit in the mouth twice.

Anyway im tired and must go. But before i leave i pose a question.

Have i ever told you about a lad named Tunnel Man? He is a mythical creature that only comes out once a century through the power of boon. He is a wise and noble creature. This, what you are about to see, is his story.

Later Days

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