Friday, April 13, 2007

sing a song that doesnt sing

Are we the last living souls?

Little to some of your knowledge my computer has been busted. Capunk. Mother fucking shit. Well it is fixed now. And because of such good wealth I would like to sing a hymn.

You're on time for the bus driver right?

Well due to my long absence and because my utter lazieness/uninterest in posting from before I'll present to you this post 3 videos featuring non other then Boonkasket. You should know by now his are by far the best so you get nothing but tonight folks.

Well it has been the same shit different day as per usual. Nothing new or exciting has really taken place. Just another week, people got stabbed, weed was smoked, class was shit, work sucks and Shaunee is great.

The way my computer broke was this. I have most of my current hard drive spaced filled, however i have a blank 120gig HD sitting around. So i finally got around to switching the drives out and doing what i needed to do. Well after i did that everything went to shit. Windows wouldnt load up and it said some shit about a file being fucked. So then i had to wait a couple of days to get an XP cd to try and correct the fucking error. Well the one i got didnt work. Shit to that. Pat burnt me another and when i finally got ahold of it to use it turns out he didnt burn it with boot priority. Well a couple days after that Pat and Alan both give me real version of XP. Those dont work either. Huzzah. It came to the point where we threw my master drive in Alans pc and copied over the corrupted file. The End. Oh, and after it was fixed i tried switching the drives liek i originally wanted, and then my pc wont recognize the hd. The The End.

Now on a more serious note. I need to talk to you all about. In 2008, when you go to the polls to vote, there shall be only one candidate in all of your minds. Michael "Boonkasket" Zanghi. He shall be the light to lead us away from Bush's tyranny. There can be only one. And that one is Zanghi.

Do you know what a wet hooker feels like? Mike Zanghi does. And its cold.

With knowledge such as this, who could deny his ability to lead a country out of debt and into prosperity. Such sagistic knowledge will break our chains and free us! With him we shall succeed! Vote Zanghi.

Look at those magic fingers. Moving up and moving down. You want those magic fingers on your face. Its ok to admit. He'll do it for you too. Just vote Mike.

With Him as our president he will bring back Jazz Hands. Do you want to live in a world with out jazz hands? If you answered yes or maybe you're a fucking terrorist. Jazz Hands for president.


I am not a crook.

Later Days

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

it smells so sweet

"Well, like, the first time i tried it i didnt think i'd become addicted. I was at this totally hot guys house for a party and these girls like, offered me some. After that it was like shopping in the mall and finding out your credit card is maxed out. It like totally got worse from there. I started like, stealing and selling my body just to get my day to day fix. My other friends would break into animal shelters and totally make off like bandits. It wasn't until, i like found a picture of Rupert, my doggy from when i was young that i checked myself into rehab..."

You've just read an actual testimony of a recovering puppy-crack head. Puppy-Crack is a serious drug and will ruin your life. And good friends dont let friends smoke puppies.
This message paid for by the Coallition to Keep Kids off Puppy-Crack

So how bout that puppy crack eh?

The weekend was fantasmagictaculuextroidenesss. Yup. That spells marijuana if you're good.

The drive up to PA was nice and easy. Minus the shitty ass weather it was a gooood drive. Shiva and I said hello to pennsylvania as soon as we crossed the border. Revo, smokin' bowls state to state. Upon arriving on the road which the campus is on I see Einstein and (soon to be introduced)Tristan on my side of the road pointing at me to go left. Some quick manuvering and a near accident later those two run up and jump in the car and we venture forth to Daves dorm.

Went there and dropped off me stuff and then started the evening. We decided to go blaze in Tristans room. This will, with in 2 paragraphs become a hugely repetitive statement. There I met Matt and introduced to two of them to Mushi. Two more victims claimed. After some milling about we tried to go to the first concert on our agenda. Much to our dismay, we got lost. Upon calling the box office we find we are a few streets and blocks away from where we want to be and the fucking show is sold out. With our detest we sought ease from the good dunsparce in the woods off campus. We dicked around with video games till Tristan got back from his evening endeavors, whence forth we blazed in his room.

The next day begins and Dave lost his fucking key. He searched for it in the room with my help for about 10 minutes then had to depart to his woman. His leaving words were to check the floor "and in shoes". Aftering working up from the floor, to all compartments of the desk, to the desk istelf, i found the key. In front of the printer. Under a fucking CD he lost 5 times during the weekend. I wanted to hurt him but im too use to it. I also had a chance to talk to Daves room mate, who he never talks too. When i say never, you won't hear a room more silent. Hahaha, i found that to be a highlight of the trip in retrospec.

After i got the stupid key i went out front for a stoge. But when i went to go back in there was a new security guard then the two i met. And i am some random kid with no ID who happens to have a key. Hahaha. It was at this point i found out Dave is pimpin it greatly with all the security guards in his building. Dropping his name and the situation i got by with ease. Mac Daddy Dave, watch out.

You know i dont remember the sequence of what happened but i almost positive we smoked in tristans room, got food and did the latter again. From there we went unto the city. Our first stop was Wonderland. If you are some way daves friend or see him randomly you should have a business card for them. I wasn't too impressed. Nice stuff, but every head shop has nice pieces. The more artsy and expensive ones were nice, however the only real plus this one had is it diffusers and diffuser stems of all sorts and sizes. I ended up getting a pack of gloves and a lighter. Meh. Afterwards we walked god knows how far to get a cheese steak from the "best" place in philly. Well the line for it was about a fucking hour. An hour. So that alone said it had to be good. However, thats all it was. Good. Not great, or awesome or orgasmic. Good. Vinnies shits alllllll over them so hard. Dont fucking go there unless it has no crowd cause i assure you its not worth the wait. You can get a fucking better one down the street from me, for a buck cheaper, and have it in under 10 minutes. 5 if its not busy.

After that i hit up Condom Kingdom and got shaunee a gift. Its a small growable penis. You know the shit you used to get as a kid that would grow to however many times the size. Well hers grows to 100x. Bitches.

From there we walked, once again god knows how far to get to the Trocadero. Somewhere along the line Tristan parted ways with us. Upon entry they wouldnt let dave bring his titanium spork in. He had to leave it in a bin outside. And the guards failed to find the 1/8 on me. It was a win and a loss. The concert was ok. Scar Symmetry was bleh and a half. Into Eternity was good, we smoked with them by the way. The Haunted was alright and i was smoking with into eternity during dark tranquility. The way that happened, Einstein was was waiting near the door he saw the band members come in and out of and the singer from Into Eternity came out, reeking of reefer as it turns out, and dave went over to talk to him and smelled it on him like the basset hound he is. Long story short marijuana is the great equalizer. Back at campus we spent the remainder of our night in tristans room smoking and hanging with assorted peoples.

Next day we woke tristan up and greeted him with shive packed, held to his mouth, and lit for him whilst he was in bed. Then we met up with kelly and got some foodage. Turns out dave remains the same in lunchroom there as he did in highskool. Its comforting to know some things never change. After that we packed and got our shit together for back home.

The End

Monday, March 19, 2007

Friday, March 16, 2007

This is too good

Hoke: Hey pete you busy?
Me: Go to hell.
Hoke: Dude im not askin for any favors, i know the thing with shaun and nothing i say is gonna fix that but i figured you would know better about return rates on dvds. I'm in some debt and trying to get out.
Me: I hear whale oil fetches a high price. So why not ask Gil to help?
Hoke: Hope i dont run into you.. That was uncalled for.. And ill break your face if you do it again. Id remakr about shaun but she hasnt fucked me over unlike some.
Me: Hahahahaha. You know whats uncalled for? Breaking into seaworld to get a girlfriend.
Hoke: If your life actually held any meaning anymore that might bother me.. Give shaun a kiss for me though.
Me: Hahahahahahaha. THat come back is almost as pathetic as your life. I'll give shaun a kiss for you if you'll part with a pair of your sisters underwear. We all know you steal them.
Hoke: Yes and we all know your girlfriend can't stand you so its all good then faggot.
Me: Yo tell me where you found a whooly manmouth in this day and age and got it to date you? Beastiality is illegal man.
Hoke: You must find yourself amusing cause thats really all your entertaining.
Me: Nah, i got a room full of people laughing their ass off at you.(The room was John, Jeff, Myself, Rob, and Lynn)
Hoke: Not anyone of any consequence i'm sure.
Me: Haha only the longest lasting crea that you had in your life. And now we sit together in laughter at how pathetic you are.
Hoke: Yeah my crew... A lying backstabber, his slut girlfriend, a horn dog hippie, and you? Yeah such great friends.
Me: And then there's you, an incest loving whale fucker who creeps out everyone he meets.
Hoke: Ok getting a hard on yet?And no then there wouldnt be me cause all you immature underevolved apes dropped me liek a bag full of oregano. And over what i still have no clue.
Me: (coup de grace) We dun dont take kindly to the whale fucking like round here. It's unnatuarl getting all excited about blubbery whale vaginas.
Hoke: Cause your boys little cock slut wasnt her best friend and didnt want in her pants...(not a clue what the fuck this means but yeah) So go ahead laugh all you want cause it dont mean shit anymore.
Me: The tears making it that hard to think
Hoke: No but the lack of interset is. Considering you've yet to make an original remark its just not mentall stimulating anymore.

Ok the originality remark through me off there. I just stared at the phone going "what? what? what? lack of originality? what?" Then i gained some composure and through some originality at him.

Me:You want originality? How bout Gilzilla? Gilbert? Gilbertha? Orca the Giller Whale? Free Gilly? I think you chose the wrong person to challenge to a game of wits. Consider yourself thoroughly owned. And then some.
Hoke: Ok so you're still taking cheap shots at my whalefriend... i thought you were going for originality.

Hahahah. After that i just let it die because it was obvious he wasnt even trying to defend himself at that point.

Thats all for now. Expect videos and pictures soon.

Later Days

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

beyond the deafening hum

I am just the allmighty evil doer in this life. When something goes wrong or i do not follow pace with everyone i am the immediate cause of hate. When others falter it is not so bad, however if i tread in the exact same path the shit hits the fan. It's ok to hate me because i am the bad guy in life. Just jump on the bandwagon like everyone else. No one has ever treated me with the respect and reverance they give others. Not one. That is why when the wolrd is ending, i will be the one causing it. When everything is fucking over i will be the one who ended it because i am the piece of shit who ruins worlds. I'm some one who can just be tossed aside with out a second thought. Who the fuck cares about the antagonist? Espically in your own life. No one. And trust me, it has shown through every single soul i've had the displeasure of thinking was good enough to call a friend. None of you are spared from my hate.

Who is going to be left for you to shift blame to and to throw away when i am gone?

All of you are fucking worthless.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


The Nintendo DS. The pedophiles handheld of choice.

PAs response

" While driving on the highway, a child molester who is also driving might look into the back seat of your car and see your child using their DS back there. According to
this terrifying report, the child molester can then - while driving their car - produce a DS of their own and utilize it to divine your home address. You will recall that he is driving on the highway at speeds approaching sixty miles an hour. One hand is on the wheel and the other is managing the gearbox. Thus, there can be no question.

He is entering these messages into the DS with his erect phallus.

The report isn't specific on this last point, but it's clearly present in the subtext. Pedophiles are writing messages to your kids using their dicks. "

Old Today, 12:07 AM
Orange Juice
Orange Juice is offline
Beach Boys are dope!

Originally Posted by Mole
It is not a very realistic proposition to force a ten-year-old, who walks to school by himself, to walk in 6 inches of snow.

But that's why we have pedophiles! To help them get to school!
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Orange Juice
Old Today, 04:40 AM

Genome is offline
The bitch is dead now

Originally Posted by Orange Juice
But that's why we have pedophiles! To help them get to school!

Making maps with the help of Pictochat to guide them right!
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Old Today, 04:40 PM

Slithery is online now
The creature thus be born

Behold more smoke tricks!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Fuck it up and kill one

That was the first song to achieve full volume in my car.

Yeah i dont update much. The thing is im not up to much. But this will have extended content as opposed to normal. THats if you're interested.

First and foremost.

Shaunee drew that on MS paint one day when she was over. I drew the sperm.

Speaking of which Shaunee is the greatest ever. I love her dearly and she's amazing.

Now i dont rightly remember them sequence of events, so im just going to post a picture and talk.

Super Bowl sunday and some you're beat. We didn't watch the super bowl at all. It was toking and smashing as it always is. Then i watched the family guy marathon and my beautiful lover stayed over.

The only card you need is the ace of spades!

Justin slain after an ace hit.

Well fuck i thought there were more pictures but their werent. Since my life is some what uninteresting take comfort in knowing nothing more happened then skool, shaunee, smoking and bumming.

Anyway here are some doodles to gaze upon. By the way, im linking them to a larger version for viewing enjoyment. Enjoy.

For the love of god i hope that wroked cause HTML sucks dick.

I have urgent news. URGENT. And deserving. Holy shit i can post some funny news articles after this. But first.

Matt Chalupski has his picture proudly hanging on the wall of the mall at his skool. Do you know why? Well if you knew Matt you could take a guess. Because this man can choke down 1.5 pounds of beef in his throat. Do you know of some one who can put 1.5 pounds of beef down their throat? Jenna Jameson does not count. Exactly. You don't. Lets take a moment of silence to salute this trooper, who can take 1.5 pounds of beef down his throat.

A women takes the wrong bus. Gets home 25 years later. Darwinism is slacking

Oh god just read it.

Lets have some videos.

My wand ftw.

Hail satan. Worship the devil. Love lucifer and all that jazz.

And now later days

Thursday, January 25, 2007

ousted from eden

Well since im talking to dave about it i'll say it now. I do not enjoy divinity live. Its the same fucking show ive been going to in highskool. The band is mixed up from what it use to be, however they havent put a new song into their set since Haven. But i did them justice like always and jumped in the sleeper pit. ITs the fucking sleeper, come one. However i was imressed with forsaken because ive never seen soo many people start a pit for that song. Meh.

3 Inches of Blood was the fucking shiiiiiit. They started with Goatriders Horde which is my favorite. The singer who does the high powermetal voice looks like a fucking dwarf. Seriously, he has the body makeup of a dwarf. The other singer looked fucked up/shady as hell and was talking about drugs the whole time.
"This next song is the Magical Forrest, is about..."
"ITS about PCP!!"
Hahah. Deadly Sinners, for as gay of a song as it is, was done wonderfully and oh god the pits were great. I got elbowed in the head twice.

69 eyes. WHAT THE FUCK. Just no.

Now for cradle. Oh lord yes. Half the set sucked because it was thornography. The rest of it fucking ruled. I loved it. They kicked much ass. I jumped in the Her Ghost in the Fog pit. It started, i took a video, strapped my phone to the clip, checked myself out then went running dead center to fuck something up. There was a total lack of Cthulu Dawn and Scorched Earth but i got over it. I think the best part of the show was during(i think) cruelty brought thee orchids. I was starring up at the stage at johnny filth and there is just a perfect view, no heads in the way or nothing, and he is just starring straight back directly at me. It made the song and the show thaaaat much better.

She was divinities creature that kissed in cold mirros, a queen of snow. Far beyond compare

Sorry, the song came on

Well in other notable news i had a light saber duel. It was great. I told jeff to be ready and rolled up to his house ready for a fight.

John and Justin

I dontk now. I was banging the keys to the music.

Well im fresh out of ideas so i bid you all aideu

Later Days

Monday, January 22, 2007

The show must go on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

for if we dont find the nexy whiskey bar

I tell you he must die

Gotta love them whiskey bars.

I'd say the reason i havent been posting is lack of video footage/pics but thats an excuse.

Well some pretty epic shit has happened in smash as of late. I'll start with zanghi and his brother.

Mike was playing his brother for the last time before he went off to college. But before this he was thinking how he wanted to take the gamecube with him, but was perplexed on how he would do such a thing. Well he was fighting his brother, i believe it was Link(mike) vs Samus(his brother). Well the Mike was fucking around and on his last life while his brother had 2. He evens out the score and the damage for the last life. This fight took place on hyrule by the way. And you know on hyrule on the right side how low you can fall. Well his brother was falling down that pit of death for mikes win. But....
Mike jumped down and did the air down smash to him at the split second before he would fall. After that Randy flew up to the top right of the screen and died, before mike did. After that Randy got pissed and said "I'm never playing smash again, take the gamecube with you to college"

Number 2

It was Me(Donkey Kong) Stein(pikachu) and Hoke(luigi)in a free for all. Well the match wasnt epic in anyway except for this one part. I grab hoke and am about to use the Shove Your Face in it throw(the down throw for those who dont know) and right as a i do that Stein comes up and down smashes right next to us. Only instead, i shove Luigi's face in pikachu's spinning electric tail. Sweet shit.

And the final bit of epic beyond epic.

It was Me(peach) vs Zanghi(luigi). Well i was slapping him around as i normall do. But when he got down to his second to last life he started to kick it up and actually put up a fight. Sooner then i think its even and we are brawling up into the high damages. I mean he is at 150 something and im at 120ish. Well i knock him off the edge and bend down to grab a turnip. Huzzah, a stitch face its all over now. Well Mike lets forth a forward B to get back, but what a surprise its the back fire. Well right as he did the back fire i threw my turnip. He hit me and sent me flying to the right at the speed of light. What fucking shit. However, I will not fall so easily. My turnip hit him in the head before he hit me with the back fire but it didnt do any damage. However it bounced up and came back down to nail him and send him flying even faster to the right. I'm already off the screen at this point. But as soon as that precious stitch face touches him he pretty much vanishes and i win.

After that i dropped the control and started screaming "FUck yeah, eat it bitch, fucking eat it, i rule" and so on and so forth. Dont fuck with Peach.

Whilst on the topic of smash here is a video of brian and mike fighting over a controller

I saw my love the past couple days. It is great, she's the best and i love her so much. I got a picture of me teabagging her on my wall now that she drew.

Oh yeah, this is funny. Steins recollection of a couple days ago after some smoking.
Stein Of Metal (10:55:41 AM): dude
Stein Of Metal (10:55:58 AM): i got home yesterday
Stein Of Metal (10:56:04 AM): and made myself a plate of like 10 tacquitos
Stein Of Metal (10:56:10 AM): and then i don't remember what else happened
Stein Of Metal (10:56:48 AM): except there's an emppty box of ice cream sandwiches, an empty bag of salt and vinegar chips, i'm out of cigarettes and a scanner darkly was opened in media player

Skool started once more. What joy. Bleh. I have a class tomorrow at noon 30.

And i have run out of stuff to type about. So enjoy this video.

Later Days

Sunday, January 14, 2007

What does the scanner see?

Did you know im dating the greatest girl in the world? She's beautiful, funny, and has a drinking problem. I love her sooo much. She never fails to make me happy or smile. And you wanna know something fun? If you poke her she makes noises. Aim for the belly button. Nothing in the world beats waking up next to her either. Actually, nevermind, falling asleep next to her. Waking up is second.

I love youuuuuuuuuuu Shaunee.

Monday, January 08, 2007

a chokehold till the end

I havent updated in a while. Meh. Who cares.

I'm getting a new car tomorrow. If not then on wednsday. It is a black 97 volkswagen jetta. I cant wait. And at the same time i am quite sad. For teh wagon shall be no more. As big of a piece of shit that thing is im sure we will all miss it dearly. And i now ask for whomever reading this to bow their head for a moment of silence for the car.

Ok anyway. You know what fucking sucks? Having Valkyrie Profile 2, Disgaea 2, and FF12 and not having a fucking ps2. I could kill a man. And any jury of gamers would not convict me i say.

Damn right. Skwisgaar be his name.

New years. Ha, i forgot about that. 1 ounce. 10 people. Excalibur. Blunts. Tulip. Bowls Upon Bongs.

And the best picture

And here is a story my sweetheart wrote me.

LuMBrrJAwS: Once upon a time there was a boy named Peter
LuMBrrJAwS: He was the handsomest boy that ever lived
LuMBrrJAwS: While walking through his town one day, he stumbled upon a blonde girl named Shaunee... and he knocked her ass down. Unintentionally of course
LuMBrrJAwS: As he helped her up, her gorgeous blue eyes landed sight on his stunning brown ones and it was fate.
LuMBrrJAwS: He told her that she was so beautiful... and a cute little tear fell from Shaunee's eye
LuMBrrJAwS: He wiped her tear away and said, "Come away with me to my castle, for I am the prince of this land. Be my princess and let us live happily ever after!"
LuMBrrJAwS: Shaunee declined, for her wicked evil step parents will slaughter her if she did so.
LuMBrrJAwS: Prince Chraming Piscitello II (PCP) told her that if she came with him, no harm can be done to her, for she will be protected by palace walls.

Auto response from D3monic Smurf: Gone like the day is fading.

LuMBrrJAwS: What PCP had said convinced Shaunee so, and she went home that day, grabbed her things, and left... never to return to the life she once lived as a poor, abused, farm girl.
LuMBrrJAwS: And they lived happily ever after.
LuMBrrJAwS: The end.
LuMBrrJAwS: Oh, and there was a lot of sex and pot smoking at the end just 'cos hey... its a fairytale

I love her lots and lots. She's the best.

Anyway i tire of this. So i will leave you with some smoke tricks

Later days